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Congratulations - ACN class of 2022/2023!

The Academic Year 2022/2023 has come to an end at American College of Norway. We're sad to see you go - but so excited for the adventures you have ahead of you!

Facing the cold - Reflections on the north by Mackenzie

Hei!! (Hi!) My name is Mackenzie, a sophomore at Salve Regina University. I am a Creative Writing Major with a Film Minor, and this Spring Semester of 2023 I am in Norway. The program is the American College of Norway where both American and Norwegian students attend. Yes, it is very, very, very cold.

Open house at ACN 2023

Are you interested in attending ACN, and want to know more? Well, this is your chance!

“My time spent at the american college of norway was some of the best in my life.” – reflections from an ACN student

The Fall 2023 semester has come to an end, and for some that meant leaving Moss for the time being. Read the blog post about Flynn's experience of being a student at ACN, and see what advice he has for future students.

Halloween at ACN!

This year we did Halloween a bit differently! Read about how ACN students created a hauntingly great experience for the local community.

A recap of the 2022 welcome week at ACN!

Can you believe it’s already mid-September? Time flies when you’re having fun! Read all about what we have been up to since the students arrived!

Congratulations, ACN class of 2021/2022!

The Academic Year 2021/2022 has come to an end at American College of Norway. As always, the annual End of the Year Barbecue wraps up the school year and brings together students, faculty and staff one last time. Check out the pictures from the barbecue in this blog post.

A chat with visiting professor Dr. Joshua Hunter

Each semester, American College of Norway welcomes a faculty member from one of the partner universities in the US to come and teach in Moss. This semester, Dr. Joshua Hunter from University of North Dakota came to ACN to teach three classes. Dr. Hunter is the Program Director for the immersive and experiential minor in Outdoor Leadership and Environmental Education at UND. Read about his fascination with the outdoors and his experience in Norway and at ACN in this interview.

Creative writing short story winner 2022

In spring 2022, students enrolled in Creative Writing with professor Lillian Correa had the opportunity to participate in a Short Story Competition. The judges were impressed by all of the stories submitted, and finally (unanimously) settled on a winner: Isabella Burke's "Raspberry Bushes".

Informasjønsmøte om American College of Norway og studier I USA

Har du lyst til å studere i USA? Går du på videregående og vil studere i utlandet? Velkommen på informasjonsmøte om American College of Norway (ACN) og studier i USA på Deichman Bjørvika i Oslo den 28.april.

Creating memories for life in svalbard

In this blog post, Norwegian student Selma Jacobsen reflects upon her trip to Svalbard with ACN in February and March 2022. The field trip to Svalbard is an annual excursion offered to students at ACN where they can earn 1 credit while exploring and learning about the unique islands of Svalbard: one of the world's northernmost inhabited areas.

Marketing & event coordinator position

Do you want to join the ACN team? The American College of Norway seeks to hire a Marketing and Event Coordinator in a full-time position. Applications are due April 15, 2022.

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