Welcome to open house!



Skrevet av: American College of Norway






Thinking about applying to ACN? Join us at our annual Open House on March 15th!

Are you joining us? Make sure to RSVP HERE!

Les også

Faculty Spotlight: Mike Nitz

A quick chat with visiting faculty, Mike Nitz from Augustana University, about Norway, ACN, and the value of studying abroad.

"Through the wilderness - over beautiful blue ice, and along mountaintops." Svalbard 2024

We just can't stop talking about the 2024 trip to Svalbard! Check out these new student perspectives from the trip!

"I have never seen anything like Svalbard." - Travel blog 2024

Every Spring students at ACN are allowed to go to Svalbard as part of a one-week travel course. Read about the 2024 trip here!

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